AI Video – PriceEasy™

Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Convert Site Cameras into Smart Site Managers with Zero Investment

PriceEasy’s revolutionary Video AI transforms the existing cameras on your site into Smart Site Managers, and provides recommendations and alerts to improve site profitability


PriceEasy Video AI Technology enables you to Optimize Pricing by accurately predicting the impact on Volume

Our Integrated Video AI Technology analyzes the number of cars, repeat customers, and the purchase patterns. Using Deep Learning it converts these data into predictive models and provides recommendations to optimally deploy Dynamic Pricing strategies.

// Integrated AI Video Platform

We guarantee an increase in Profit with Zero Investment and NO Additional Hardware

Our revolutionary technology works on your existing cameras and site computer. No need to invest on additional hardware.

PriceEasy’s advanced analytics algorithms ensure accurate vehicle recognition and classification.


Gain Deep Insight Into Your Customer's Purchasing Pattern
And Leverage Fuel to Non-Fuel Conversion Strategies

Analyze In-store buying patterns
Consumer decision strategy moving from one rack to another.
Impact of Pricing and Promotions
AI analyzes the number of cars passing by the station and conversion rate
Enhance customer experience
Our AI optimizes resource planning by monitoring car queue and in-store traffic.
// Integrated Video AI Platform

Simplifying Video Analysis And Insights

Site Customer Loyalty and Buying Pattern

AI analyzes license plate data to track number of repeat customers.

Effectiveness of Signboard Promotions

PriceEasy™ AI analyzes the number of cars passing the station and how different promotions drive traffic to your site.

Conversion from Fuel to Non Fuel

PriceEasy™ AI finds how many people buying fuel also buy non-fuel items in your convenience store.

Improve customer satisfaction

PriceEasy™ AI monitors the car queue at each fuel dispenser and inside the store and helps optimize resource planning

// Gain Insights into Traffic Flow

Real Time Traffic Dynamics for Dynamic Pricing

PriceEasy Video AI can identify and categorize vehicles from various vantage points.

Analyze traffic patterns and compare them with the number of actual customers visiting your stations.

// Comprehend Your Customer Base

Supercharge your EV Strategy with Detailed Customer Vehicle Information

PriceEasy Video AI can identify the make model of cars that are passing your stations. Make informed decisions on making investments on EV charging. 

// Advanced Customer Loyalty Analysis

Efficient License Plate Recognition (LPR)

PriceEasy Video AI recognizes license plates of your customers.

Improve security measures and identify the proportion of new versus returning visitors.

Gain insights into visitor frequency and patterns.

// Ensure Sufficient Parking Capacity

PriceEasy Video AI detects waiting vehicles and records queue length for each fuel dispenser / EV charging.

Deploy an entrance overview camera to analyze vehicle queues.

PriceEasy Analytics detects waiting vehicles and records queue length for each fuel dispenser pump.

Optimize queuing management with visualizations and data exports.

// Ensure Sufficient Parking Capacity

Ensure Sufficient Parking Capacity

Utilize PriceEasy Video AI to monitor parking lot occupancy.

Analyze real-time data on free and occupied parking spaces.